Thưa các anh, chị, em, cháu:
Tôi là Hùng Trần DK 74. Cũng như mọi người toi được cha mẹ,
thầy cô, dân Việt nuôi dưỡng, dậy dỗ, hiểu biết kiến thức có được một nghề nuôi
thân, nuôi gia đình. Nhưng vận nước nghiên ngã, các đại cường lại chia xẻ đất
nước: Mỹ bảo hộ Ai Cập để bảo vệ Do Thái và mỏ dầu Trung Đông; để mặc Nga Tầu bảo
hộ Việt Nam. Nhở Trời Phật phù hộ tôi và các con sang được đất Mỹ. Khóc cười
theo vận nước nổi trôi tôi thường viết một số đoản văn phần lớn bằng Anh Ngữ gửi
cho nhà cầm quyền. Tuy nhiên không muốn bị Hà Nội chụp mũ có thể gây hại cho
các anh chị em cháu còn ở quê nhà nên chưa bao giờ tôi gui bài trên forum cả. Gần
đây Nga, Tầu, Việt bắt chước Bắc Hàn buông bức màn thép trên mạng để tạo thiên
đường mù cho dân chúng. Hơn nữa một số bạn Mỹ cho tôi biết Trung Cộng tranh cải
với chính phủ Hoa Kỳ về chủ quyền Biển Đông.
Tôi sưu tầm tài liệu viết Bạch Thư chủ quyền Biển Đông và tự do hang hải
gữi cho Tổng Thống Mỹ, Thống Đốc Cali và Tòa Án Quốc Tế LaHaye để bênh vức Phi
kiện Trung Quốc đóng góp phần nào trong quyết định tòa án quốc tế.
Bài viết dài hon 60 trang nên tôi chia làm nhiều kỳ, các anh
chị em cháu có thể phổ biến cho đồng bào trong và ngoài nước hiểu biết công lao
hy sinh xương máu của tiền nhân.

Memory hundred
Vietnamese fish men who were massacred by modern Chinese pirate
Table of Content:
28 tangible evident
of the Southeast Asian Sea’s Ownership and Strategic Solutions for
International Free Transportation
The historic Facts of Southeast Asian Sea
1.1- On
-1009 BC Diplomats of VietThuong
Kingdom offered gifts to Chinese King………………………6
1.2- On
-510 BC Sakymuni Buddha requested his
apostles spread Buddhism………………………………7
1.3- On
-312 BC India King Asoka conquered Kalinga forced its prince to PhuNam Kingdom……..7
1.4- On
-290 BC King Asoka became Buddhist ordered missionary reach LienLau –HaNoi today-…9
1.5- On
-221 BC Quinn Tsy Hoang ordered Gen. TrieuDa invaded South China to VanLang Kingdom
1.6- On
40 AD Han Emperor commanded Gen. MaVien conquered Trung Sisters Kingdom…………11
1.7- On
525 AD Bodhe Drama, a Nepalese Prince
and 28th Buddha landed on China………………………15
1.8- On
656 AD, Chinese governor CaoBien took
gunpowder as war trophy…………………………………15.
1.9- On
985 AD King NgoQuyen rose Vietnam
sovereign first time………………………………………………16
1.10-On 1032 AD DaiViet dynasty Ly attacked Chinese Tung Dynasty
1.11- On 1225 AD, Prince LyLongTuong resettled to
Korea……………………………………………………………17 1.12-On 1284 AD Mongolia Navy sailed Marco Polo
back home……………………………………………………18
1.13-On 1297AD Prince KhacChung&Champa Queen HuyenTran 3-year lived in the
1.14- On 1403 AD Tching Emperor
ordered ChengHo search previous
1.15- On 1691 AD HuongHai Monk led his missionary 3-year
lived on Paracel Island……………………22
1.16-On1695AD two metropolitan
towns PhoHien in North and Faifo in South Vietnam established22
1.17- On1699AD 3 Holland ships
aided the DangTrong but two sunk by DangNgoai Navy…………..…23
1.18-On 1728 AD, Netherlands ship
named Paracel sunk in the unknown archipelago……………………23
1.19- On 1788 AD, King QuangTrung sunk several Western ships in
Thi island………….…………………24
1.20- On 1802 AD, Prince DanPhuocNguyen occupied PhuXuan Capital…………………………………………24
1.21- On 1816 AD King GiaLong sailed for ownership to Paracel
1.22-On 1832 AD King MinhMang ordered to build DoiHoangSa, plan trees on
1.23-On 1860 AD French fleet
sailed via Sea colonized Cochichine & Tonkin….……………………………25
1.24- On 1945 American submarine
sunk by Japanese mines in Thailand Bay………………………….27
1.25- On 1959 AD, President Diem solid sovereign Paracel & Sparstley
Archipelagoes by soldiers.27
1.26- On 1974 AD, Chinese Communist
Navy bloody invaded Paracel Archipelago…………………………27
1.27-On 1988 AD, Chinese continuous
attacked Spartley Archipelago……………………………………………29
1.28- On 2000 AD, Singapore
purchased Tang dynasty boat’s
2- Chinese Millenniums Daydream
of expanding by the self proclaim God’s sons……………………………33
2.1- First expanding step on
occupy Paracel & Sparstley archipelagoes…………………………………………33
2.2- Second expanding step on HaLong
2.3- Third expanding step annexed
more land on border of Vietnam & China…………………………………34
2.4-Fourth expanding step built Cross
Indochina Highway………………………………………………………………35
2.5- Fifth expanding step by fake
aluminum mine on Highland Vietnam…………………………………………36
2.6- Sixth expanding step by its
six troops for Chinese global
conquered dream…………36
2.7- 45 Natural Points of Paracel
2.8- 84 Natural Points of Spartley
3- Intervene Chinese expanding
strategic recommendation…………………………………………………………43
3.1- International Treaties &
3.2- Clear International cloudy
interpreter minds…………………………………………………………………………47
3.2.1-Vietnam: tenant of both
China & Russia…………………………………………………………………………..50
3.2.2-China overcharged
foreigners, poor Western China States and global expands………………..51
3.2.3-Russia hidden Soviet
imperialism, depressed its people and slave some ……………………….52
3.2.4- USA weak Democrat with
secret suddenly terrorists ‘attacks……………………………………… 52
carefully with cautious distract & create war to end another war………………………….53
3.3.1-Launch Biologic Diversity Research ships into
Southeast Asian Sea cool down conflicts……….54
3.3.2-Build up conflicts between two Mongolia States break
Russia & China backbone Allied…………..54
3.3.3- International control China’s nuclear bombs stock
exchange to US & EU trade favor…………54
28 touchable evident of
Southeast Asian Sea's ownership
and the Strategic Solutions
for its International Free Transportations.
Author was
former South Vietnam Army, a former Indochina Boatpeople on 80’s then thank God
to be US citizen in California after three times escapes from Communists’
grips. For millennium, my Vietnamese ancestors sailed around Southeast Asian
Sea so called South China Sea today. My ancestors also fought back invaded
Chinese for Vietnamese sovereign despite much bigger North brutal invaders for
long time. Consequently, we can share experiences & information about the Southeast
Asian Sea’s ownership and its free International Transport Right. My humble
opinions have three sections: 1- Historic facts; 2- The millennium daydream of
the self proclaim sons of God; 3-Recommendation. The first and second section
can be public but the third section for VIP only.
I would like
to apologize for using so much foreign languages as geographic, human proper
names that I have italic them so you won’t need to open dictionary. In
addition, most year records are relative accurate because ancient Asian
historic authorities usually recorded in their own two different lunar calendars
either from India or China: dates of kings enthroned -not dates of birth- and
dates of kings’ deaths or power seized by enemies. We might read in middle
history’s lines or even listens to legend for logical explanations. Thank you.
historic facts of Southeast Asian Sea:
They had
documented from 16th century BC until today recorded by historic
royal/government authorities of Vietnamese, Chinese, French, India and so
on. Ironically, top leaders of India,
China, French etc and its Vietnamese puppets had delicately ignored, totally
blanket, evil tarnish or buzzed distort these real events.

Left: The 200 miles ownership zone of
Vietnam but it should have 350 miles economic zone according to its continental
shelf geographically.
Right: the 200 miles base line economic
zone of Vietnam skeptical by lose Triton
Island of Paracel archipelago to China.
Vietnam Paracel Spartley Hainan China

Above: Seafloor cut off shows Paracel Archipelago
apart to Vietnam 120 km with deepest 300m/900 f trench while it apart China 270
km with deepest 600m/1,800 f trench. It’s similar to Spartley Archipelago it
apart 280 km with deepest 900m/2,700 f trench while it’s apart China 780 km
with deepest 1,200m/3,600 f trench. Geography
is real obsolete to Chinese ownership on Southeast Asian Sea.
Source: SanHuuVu,
Southeast Asian Sea geography with Paracel & Spartley Archipelago, p57 and
so on, HuongQue Publish, USA, 1994
(Mr. Vu was Lieutenant Major of South
Vietnam Navy had duty patrolled the archipelagoes many years before 1975)
believed 70 millions ago, a huge asteroid struck our planet at today Pacific
Ocean to be pulled around by the earth gravity and hidden black hole to be our Moon
but in the beginning the Moon orbited not 190.000 km away but closer that it
combines with the Sun, they tore up a vast ancient continent Gowara. The
territorial shelters drifted to fill the Pacific hole and they conflict,
collapse together to form Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, North & South
America and Antarctica. In Asia, two huge continental shelters collapse making
high Himalaya Long Mountain, expanded its far Eastern ridge as Indochina
Mountains, huge caves, –the ancient seafloor has PhongNha Cave’s endless river, SonDong
Cave’s 200 f ataractics-, some archipelagoes includes Philippine in Southeast
Asia. The Southeast Asian Sea deepest trench is 9000 f/3000 m along Central
Vietnam compare with Pacific Ocean Mindanao deepest trench is 33,000 f/11,000m
behind Philippine. (According to
SEAPOOL International treaty, unless China complies with the treaty it signed and
Vietnamese inhabited on TriTon Island;
Vietnam has continental shelter that it has 350 miles of economic zone from its
permanent resident beaches). Later asteroid circumstances caused several Ice
Ages that the fourth one ended estimate 20,000 years ago. During Ice Age, the
Southeast Asian Sea shrunk into Inland Sea surrounded by Philippine, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Champa, Vietnam and Quinton Province China.

Left: Southeast Asian Sea with present
coast line inside and ancient seashore –continental shelf- outside that had
river-flow tracts on the seafloor.
Right: 250.000 years sea level. Source:
Chapell & Skeleton, ‘Oxygen isotope and sea level, p 137-140, Nature
Magazine # 324 (1966)
several rivers flew into it: the Red River flew along 15th parallel and
the Mekong River flew along 9th parallel and also some small rivers
do that their valleys/deltas still be recognized under the Southeast Asian
Sea’s bottom –Hawaii University-. (It means Philippine inherited cruise oil
from the Red River delta sunk under seafloor and Burney inherited Mekong delta
for millions years ago). However, local homo
sapience appeared there earlier around 500,000 years ago that human remains
and artifacts still found in nearby Beijing, Borneo Island and CucPhuong original forest in Vietnam.
Truthfully, WangHa River in North China didn’t reach Pacific Ocean but it ended
up in Northeast China caused huge swamp that it turned out vast coal mines
today; some then wild swamp animals like mammoth, water-buffalo, fur
rhinoceros, phoenix birds etc. extinct after the swamp dried out.
Residents of
today Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia, Malaysia have had near shore commuted by ThuyenMang. They’re a sailing raft with
bottom made by bamboo sticks weaved and painted by rubber latex. ThuyenMang
or ThuyenMung, whose ancient sailors depended on to sail over seashore full
of stone reefs without fear of broken or sink. They have only one big rowed
paddle in back like fish tail morphology, is evident of undeniable sea
ownership that carved on bronze drums. Surprisingly, these boats are still
existing and using in North Vietnam today. On late 80’s, I saw a couple escaped
from Vietnam to Hong Kong by sailed a three-ton ThuyenMung in six months. The husband and the wife face-to-face
pushed or pulled the only big paddle in tail. Instead cheo or row the boat, people said Nu or robotic movement while their boats don’t catch wind or
against sea currencies.

When the
climax became warm, two North and mostly South Pole’s ice melted, and the ocean
level rise, enlarge the inland Sea, push people return to highland. Some
Northern ridge local summits when volcanic activities raise the seafloor
shallow enough (30f-90f tropical sea depth) for coral thrill, the North summits
became Paracel Archipelago and its Southern highland became Spartley
1.1-On -1009
BC, diplomats of VietThuong Kingdom,
-today Central Vietnam- via three
translators, brought big sea turtle and white peasant worship far flung China
King ChauThanhVuong (-1051-1001 BC).
The diplomats complained lost way back home; so, the king ordered to reward
them the compass vehicle. (Trong Kim
Tran, Viet Nam Su Luoc-Sketch Vietnamese History-, p13, Dai Nam Publisher 1990 USA. Mr. Tran was the first Prime Minister of
Vietnam during WWII). Predict in the war resulted ceremony, Chinese Shane men
burnt turtle shelters and water buffaloes’ bones into crakes form GiapCotVan –Bone & turtle shelter
characters- primary Chinese characteristics today.

Left: Chinese primitive writing on turtle
shelf on 12th century BC.
Right: ‘symbols’ characters were prehistory
Chinese characteristic today.
Source: Thanh
Dinh Cung, VanMinhVietNam-Vietnamese civilization-, p 274-275 TuTuong Publish, Sydney Australia, 2003.
1.2-On -510
BC, Shakyamuni Buddha (-644-524 BC)
in India commended his apostles spread Buddhism into four sides: the Western
expanding made by second Buddha Great KaDiep,
he led 500-monk missionaries reached Lebanon on Mediterranean Sea. The
Eastern expanding missionary reached PhuNam
Kingdom –South Vietnam today-. The apostles dug shallow pool in sea bottom to
made ancient harbor for their no-nail-but-trunks-tied-together boats anchored
at VungTau Front Beach in South
Vietnam. (The man-made-pool-under-water harbor might be needed human scarify
that it still caused annual drowns to careless swimmers). The apostles also
built a Buddhist temple right on the hill near their pool-harbor.
Unfortunately, later leaders changed the temple into naval barrack includes
King QuangTrung (1788-1802 AD)
brought a huge 20 feet canon today still seating there to guard this past naval
post. Absolutely, Vietnamese didn’t use the huge canon to hunt seasonal
migrated birds, did they? But protect their Southeast Asian Sea, indeed.
1.3- On -312
BC famous Asoka King in India on his first stage conquered Kalinga Kingdom Southern India, had pushed its prince exiled to PhuNam Kingdom. The Asian Caucasus
prince fought victory to local residents but he married with the PhuNam Queen to build the kingdom that
spreading almost to Kampuchea and South Vietnam, but it ended up on 7th
century AD by Champa Kingdom. Before 1975, local residents were enthusiastic
worship BaSam, the Queen’s stone
mystery statue because they’d believed she’s BaChuaXu -Kingdom Protective Angle-. Unfortunately, after 1975 some
communist authorities changed BaSam Temple
to ChuaLinhSon, a common Buddhism
Temple’s locating at VongThe Village,
ThoaiSon District AnGiang Province. They seized the statue’s 10 gold oz bracelet
and donated cash. However, successors of the royal couple ‘s still remain,
living at AnGiang Province South Vietnam with ChuaCham, a Hinduism temple locates at PhuHiep Village PhuTan District
AnGiang Province and their Matriarchs
social system, whose females are heads of households, are continuing today.
Their brides should contribute huge downy to the grooms. The so-called ChamTrang girls spend many years to
embroil their excellent Hinduism-gods-lives hanging carpet use for their
weeding. With secret method the carpet and blanket got likely Viagra smell
(Just tourist and see by you to verify Southeast Asian Sea had has diversity
cultures, free International transportation quite long time ago).

Right: The rare Hinduism langue stele found in nearby temple. Like China that
had written language after the emperor Quinn Tsy Hong Ty on 2 nd century BC, the Hinduism written language found
by Great Asoka King in India around 3
rd century BC .
Left: BaSam stone
statues under Atheist members transform into Buddha but her bracelet and
beautiful annual changed clothes was vanished; each year before 1975 pilgrims
had changed her clothes in Hinduism festival.
Picture Source: Tuong Vo, ‘NhungNgoiChuaNoiTieng o Vietnam, the famous Pagodas in
Vietnam’, p 56-57, VanHoa &Thong Tin
–Cultural & Information “State run” Publish, HaNoi 1994.

Left: Kalinga
Asian Caucasus Prince worm out wooden statue found near his queen’s temple. He
wore ‘sarong’ skirt that legends told he had used it to cover his surrender-
Queen’s half naked body. So, before 1975, pilgrims mimicked his behaves changed
BaSam clothes annually.
Right: The local communist members
replaces the temple’s name with dirty slogan
1.4- On -290
BC King Asoka changed his faith into
Buddhism, he energized sent his missionary to Southeast Asian Sea, his
missionary followed the apostles steps to VungTau
pooling harbor then reach to LienLau
town –HaNoi today- located on the
bending of Red River’s bank then. The ancient Vietnamese lived in the long skew
buildings includes three villages RaoCa,
RaoHai, RaoBa. These residents
‘re living on NhaSan –skew budding-
with heavy ground fences because at that time there were frequently flooding
and full of beasts in river –e.g. turtles, crocodiles, thuongluong – some sea snakes reach 60f length-. (On 1974 South
Vietnam 4th Air Force Division Commander Colonel, Anh Nguyen, random caught one beast in
Mekong River, he cut it into three then sold to Japanese businessman that the
60f sea snake might end up in the royal private biology museum there. Legendary
told Colonel Anh and US Colonel Smith
died by the sacred animal revenged when they led a team on helicopter
recovering lifted a land down L-19 plane). Chinese recorded the ancient village
as Lau –skew dwellings- but three
villages turned out LienLau
–connected skew buildings-. The town estimated 5,000 populations by they could
forcefully feed 1,000 Chinese invaders on -210 BC.

Vietnamese called themselves as HongLac or AuLac
successors –Kings family name was Hong,
bird totem was Lac, Au meant AuViet the relatives of LacViet- in
VanLang -well administrated,
cultural- Kingdom. Ancient Chinese disgraced Vietnamese as savage GiaoChi because the local residents
had two big toes in left and right feet
pointed together that supposedly the ancestors used these big toes for
quick-avoid-beast climbing on trees for hundreds thousands years. Middle Age
Westerners had copycat to Chinese call GiaoChi
to Cochichine or South Vietnam while they called North Vietnam as Tonkin.
1.5- After
the Seven-nation era, Quinn King (-249-224 BC) conquered another six kingdoms,
united China in written, measurement and central government first time,
enthroned as Quinn Tsy Hoang (-224-209 BC), The first
Chinese emperor ordered Admiral DoThu
and frontier General TrieuDa led
hundred thousand surrender men and fifty thousand surrender women expanding the
South dynasty by building uncompleted cross China canal. In fact, Admiral DoThu be killed by suddenly attack TayViet tribe while his Frontier Gen. TrieuDa led main 8,000 soldiers camped
in PhienNgung City Quinton today.
Remember the emperor's order; he commanded his deputy Gen. NhamNgao led 1,000 infantry soldier approached VanLang Kingdom. Gen. NhamNgao
built barrack on Red River bank near three LacViet
villages RaoCa, RaoHai, RaoBa as Vietnam
documented it was second Northerner invaded. Gen. NhamNgao who met Lac or Hung 18th King in BachHac Capital located in VinhPhu Province. Had deep love to
beautiful Princess MyNuong despite
she married with Prince ThucPhan and
had baby princess MyChau, NhamNgao attempted to seize her but the
Prince made bonze-drum call a gigantic men LyThan
with his elephant herd came in; so Gen. Ngao
postponed his evil plan. However, he made conspiracy fraud treaty, strike
tricks to King Lac or Hung 18th (local
resident called their king as LacVuong
but millennium Chinese authorities mandatory people recall Hung mean bear to forget their own sovereign otherwise the mistake
men may be jailed).

As proverb:
‘Time can fade writing on stele after centuries: But it can’t erase Man
reputations over millenniums, they still echo until today’ is correct in Duke Ly’s. The 13th century AD
Mongolia invaded Vietnam but its troop still feared the gigantic man as Viet resistant disguised likely Duke Ly alive. Three taxable villages ThuyPhuong nick name Chem (hyponyms as behead executing might
inform what he had been being), HoangMac and LienMac villages still worship Duke Ly as villages’ guardian. They symbolic him by made a josh bull
elephant memory his departure and
josh Siberia donkey memory his return.
Unfortunately, a female communist member follow Mao Cultural Revolution on 60’s threw the elephant and donkey to
Red River. On 2000, then US First Lady Hilary Clinton and her daughter visited
Duke Ly temple, received two palm
hats’ gifts, but the elephant, the donkey and the temple gates’ bricks made by
Great Wall technique lost forever. Today amid Duke Ly’s barrack in Northwest
China, his descendants might remain in the Chinese basketball player in US or
another tall guy used his long arm rescued his city zoo’s dauphin which
swallowed visitors ’plastic bags.
While the
emperor died and his dynasty ended, Prince ThucPhan
with his Southwest China tribe military aid made revolution successful to be AnDuong King (-246 -225 BC) and
constructed CoLoa
Fortification/Capital near Chinese barrack by labors of war prisoners. Building
same time to Great Wall in China but CoLoa
had better protect by new invented Holly Arch with several bronze tip arrow
shot each time. The snail shade circle walls forced enemies went around to be
targeted for shoot death. CoLoa
fortification defeated Northern Chinese many times. Gen NhamNgao was wounded retreat to PhienNgung City and died there. He was Northern invader that LacViet residents hated most because he
conspiracy extinct VanLang Kingdom,
assassinated Lac King, Princess MyNuong and Duke Ly, they cursed him by name a toughest dog as Ngao dog. When the emperor died and the dynasty quickly ended news
reach PhienNgung City, Gen. TrieuDa himself proclaim king TrieuVuVuong (-206 -140 BC). In same
time Lac king son-in-law, Prince ThucPhan made revolution successfully
proclaim AnDuong King. He instead
returns to BachHac old capital, but
he built CoLoa his
capital/fortification near NhamNgao
barrack. While North China two revolutionaries
HangVo and LuuBang compete together for next emperor
then LuuBang became HanCaoTo or Han emperor the first(-194
-187 BC). In South China, King TrieuVu
(--206-140 BC) expanded his territory but failed to AnDuong King in CoLoa
fortification. Then King Trieu made
another trick by fake weeding between his Prince TrongThuy and King AnDuong’s
Princess MyChau. Beware of Chinese
trick, King AnDuong didn’t allowed TrongThuy lived inside CoLoa but made housing for young royal
couple located outside. By time they got two baby princes; the prince saw the
princess collect human hair to waive to solid cables. He insisted his beloved
wife to follow her to the hair cable storeroom. It’s most secret of the arch
cables and the arch cock so called Holly Arches that the human hair cables were
strong enough help several bronze tip arrows shot together. Prince TrongThuy disguised his father sick for
return PhienNgung. Took advance upon
his son report; King Trieu gave his
prince a tip to break Holly Arch by using salt to melt down arch’s human hair
cables. When return, TrongThuy secretly
pour salt water over human hair cables in storeroom; then he asked his wife if
conflict again how can he find her? Innocent Princess MyChau replied to mark her run way by swam furs from his
wedding-gift. When TrongThuy escaped,
King Trieu immediately ordered sudden
attack CoLoa. King AnDuong still enjoyed with Chinese
concubine whom King Trieu offering,
didn’t well prepare as usual. When Chinese troop invaded near citadel; he order
to use Holly Arches but they couldn’t work. Like several years ago, King AnDuong carried Princess MyChau behind his horse ran away
abandons two nephew princes for his son in law. Tragically, the king and
princess rode to the end sea shore while Prince TrongThuy led invaders follow her swan fur to chase after. King AnDuong prayed the turtle-saint who
appears and said: “Enemy sit right behind you”. King AnDuong turned around and saw his daughter release swan fur to mark
their run way for Chinese prince follow. Princess MyChau had knee to cry out: “Dear Dad, I’m naïve and got trap by my
husband but I’m not betray or allied with enemy, God knew my innocent”.
Extremely sad and angry, he beheaded her before jump suicide to sea. Prince TrongThuy came late brought his beloved
wife buried amid their house. Freeze mind with highly depress, TrongThuy sat behind a well where the
couple used to see each other on the water’s surface. He couldn’t tolerate when
his baby sons crying for their mother, he jump suicide into the well. King Trieu took a lot of treasure trophy back
to Quinton (includes Turkey asteroid to cut through stone for his secret
mausoleum) but approved TrongThuy’s
elder son became district’s administrator years later. Legend says King AnDuong transformed to TanVien Spirit while Southeast Asian
oysters swallow MyChau naïve blood
turn out to sparkling pearl for defending her innocent. Before 1945, there was
a wooden Arch-Gate in village CoLoa,
District KimAnh, Province PhucYen, 12 m from HaNoi Capital; it has ruins of the well where Prince TrongThuy suicide, Princess MyChau’s tomb and the royal couple home.
CoLoa almost destroyed but some walls
and neighbor villages RaoCa, RaoHai and RaoBa survived (some mini bronze cast ovens for making arrow bronze
tips were found in DongAnh District HaNoi suburban). Recently, Chinese build
a new airport in Quinton Province found Duke Ly bronze statues and mausoleum of King Trieu includes many King AnDuong
bronze treasures. Since 16th century BC until now Chinese
leaders had had uncountable made tricks, traps, blood and bones invaded for
Chinese Southern expanding.

Gate Holly Arch pillboxes First, Second, Third Walls, Citadel South Gate
According to snail-shape structure; enemies must go along the walls then be
shot by Holly Arches equip into these pillboxes. It’s Ultimately Military Art
that manipulates enemies fight into the ambushed battlefields.

1.6- On 40
AD, Chinese Mandarin Chef VuongMang (8-20
AD) seized the Han throne then HanQuangVu Emperor (25-56 AD) fought
back. The involved Chinese migrated to GiaoChau
–another name of Vietnam-. They encouraged ToDinh,
Chinese governor changed administration policy that disputed LacViet noble leaders whose regime
lasted for two millenniums replaced by all Chinese authorities. Local residents
made marriage allied to against to Governor ToDinh.
Unfortunately, Chinese learnt and made quick kill these uprising LacViet leaders includes ThiSach district leader who expected the
Allied resistant groom. His bribe, TrungTrac,
had spreading national heroic idiom: ‘as softness silk cover bronze mirrors,
people who shared same ancestors should effectiveness love each other’. She
took his armor and will, completed his revolution plan, retook 22 LacViet towns among 56 BachViet towns around Quinton and
Cinnamon area. On 43 AD, had big army just defeat VuongMang riot, emperor ordered his famous, father-in-law Gen. MaVien led mighty infantry approached on
land re invaded LinhNam Southeast
China includes GiaoChau Province. One
by one, Gen. MaVien overcame all
these revolted plots. But facing tough resistances, MaVien reported to withdrew as bad weather had caused birds died on
flying; however, the emperor definitely ordered to invade continuously by
sending Northern chevalier troop reinforce lead by Prince LuuPhuong. Despite all LacViet
males and females stand up for scarified patriots, six female leaders LeChan, BatNan, ThanhThien –Governor ToDinh violated LacViet arranged law cited Chinese authorities not marry local
female but he had forced marry her, did cause she joined resistant (Ancient Law
taught by Professor MauVu who’s the
last South Vietnam P.M.)-, TrungNhi,
Queen Trung and Queen’s mother ManThien died in these complicacy
battles (Legend reported in final suicide battle at CamKhe plot, MaVien
fought ManThien first, got nasty
killed by his soldier secret arched her down, then he held her hair to pull the
victim on ground around, –this tragically moment had still recorded in Gen. PhucBa –MaVien’s court title- Memory Hall in Yuen long today-. Sisters Trung and followers were angry, suffer,
chased him but dropped into his trap that the total naked Chinese soldiers
suddenly appeared made the female warriors one hand blind their eyes used only
one hand held weapon). Despite, Princess ThanhThien
bravery fought equally to Gen. LuuLong
in counterattack battle that he shouted: “Keep her alive for my wife”. But all
was suicide, raped before massacred, Queen Trung
thanks TrungNhi and her elephant
broke enemies so she could jump into
HatGiang on Red River. Her corpse was drift few hundred miles to BaiDongNhan –bronze amour person Bank-
located on PhuThi, my ancestor village, GiaLam
District BacNinh Province but it’s HaNoi suburban. Smart enough the
residents submitted the valuable bronze amour but buried secretly the Queen
that later built temple right there. On 14th century Red River had
changed its flows caused Trung
Temple’s erosive; so local people moved temple inside Red River’s dike.
Unimaginable, both the victory invaders and the failure patriots were worship
nearby: not far from HaNoi suburban
of Trung Temple is DenBachMa –White Horse Temple- locates
in HaNoi urban. It’s MaVien symbol by his horse, built by
millennium Chinese colonists as their city protected angle!
had estimated up to 30% LacViet population
vanished ending LacViet civilization
like bronze drums ‘manufacture and communication. According to history Chinese
chevalier reinforce led by Gen. LuuPhuong
while LacViet reinforce, Gen. DoDuong, surrendered and retreated.
Later, Gen. MaVien didn’t keep
promised, attacked DoDuong in
Cinnamon District. Ashram to death, he made cursed his grave mistake that his
corpse should be expose for Vietnamese remember. Today, DoDuong trunk-tomb‘s likely exhibited in HaNoi Historic Museum.
Genome Heritage researchers estimated up to 30% LacViet population vanished two
times. They pointed out Vietnamese may extinct twice by DNA mutation shortened
in this First century AD holocaust and the 15th century AD DangTrong /DangNgoai Tonkin/Cochichine
Civil War. So, avoid being extinct then some low habitant villages had
mandatory increased population by whole adult-villagers attended special night
celebrations named as village’s patronage parties: after dance and drink, all
torches were blew off for free sex around and these illegal pregnancies won’t
be blamed as usual at these special times.
In other
hand, several Trung temples had
remembered this important event by making 100 small rice balls in syrup; after
worship, they ate 50 balls –symbol of the massacred victims heads- and release
50 balls for both DoDuong’s and Trung Queen’s on the river.

DoDuong son tried to escapes Chinese conquers
by using his father’s bronze drum called his residents flee on sea. Advantage
by Monsoon wind, the LacViet refugees
reached Indonesia Islands. Have motto: ’Better die on sea than die in enemies’
hands’; there were uncountable times Vietnamese uprising, but failures toward
Chinese brutal colonists, then they had been risking their lives on sea waves.
However, in millennium be colonized, at least seven fugitive groups managed to
flee & live in new land. They left seven plus Duke/ Baron Style bronze
drums mostly found in Northern Borneo Island; we’re pretty sure that these
bronze drums brought in by migrated Vietnamese. God blessed the fugitives
survive not only recent decades but also dozen centuries ago. Some Borneo
islanders are worshiping their ancestors’ boats with traditional LacViet customs.

Left: four styles of bronze drums
Right: thanks Chinese invaded the bronze
drum communication and their meaning of symbols or words lost forever.
Source: ThanhDinhCung,
Vietnamese civilization, p1 & 168, TuTuong Publish Australia 2003
On early 20th
century a famous Germany archeologist Heger
researched and classified around 150 bronze drums. However, Dr. Hager might
have big mistake to classify the biggest drums as Heger 1 type, average drum as
Heger 2 and smallest is Heger 3 and miscellaneous bronze products as Heger 4.
Truthfully, the biggest and most beautiful bronze drums were LacVuong kings’ ownership. It has
mystery images, weight up to 120 kg/244 lb copper, its sounds can hear up to
15km/10m. The average drums were belonging to LacHau or likely Duke Provinces’ ownership. It weights around 80-90
kg/170-190 lb copper that sounds can hear 10km/6m. The smallest drums were
belonging to LacTuong or likely Baron
Districts’ ownership. It weight up to 40-60kg/88-140 lb copper that sounds can
heard 5km/3m. Exaggerated compare with I-phone today then bronze drums were
excellent non-verbal communication. For example, tung-tung hits harmony slowly
means come and drink or come and share hunting meat; while
tung-tung-tung-tung-TUNG hit quick, angry, continuously means promptly run in
with weapons. Unfortunately, thank genocide Chinese colonists the secret
manufactures, the conductors’ learning, and non-verbal language lost forever.
However, one of the best king ownership drum is storing in former Secretary
General LeKhaPhieu’s house locates at
KyDong Street 3th District, HCM City, Vietnam if you can visit.
Ironically, in countryside, especially Northern and Center Vietnam bronze
products still using and casting like trays, rice pans, candle stands, sandal
burning pots etc. but the ‘civilization’ bronze products are not made from
cooper ore like ancient people did but from these old broken bronze products or
cooper ammonization. Finally, some made
tomb raids to find valuable things buried in, includes tiny bronze drums buried
in coffins of ancient leaders. Despite its size about 5x5x5 inches up to
10x10x10 inches but they got delicate carving like the real drums.
Unfortunately, on late 50’s communists seized 37 private funeral tiny bronze
drums collection caused the HaNoi collector

1.8- On 656
AD under Tang Dynasty (617-906
AD)–the most genocide Chinese colonists- dominated GiaoChi, and Governor CaoBien
re conquered GiaoChau then ruled by NamChieu Kingdom. These local residents
sailed to Philippine traded for its natural product, Soufflé, exchanged to
bronze products, ivory etc. In beginning, they used yellow powder as medicine;
then they discovered first worldwide gun power by mixing it with charcoal and
bat caves’ kali salt. Because of
residents store value foreign material in their thatch roof houses, when
CaoBien attacked DaiLa –another name of HaNoi City-,
commanded his troop shot fire arrows to burn thousands local residents to
death. Then the governor widely used gun power as war trophy to destroy
reef-stones in river; maybe he mined gold ores sunk to bottom. Today some
minorities groups in Northern Vietnam’s mountain still ‘manufacture’
do-it-yourself gun power use with their man-made musket as their ancestors had
done centuries ago. They made musket by hand-turning a secret asteroid drills
the solid round iron bars for months. Consequently, product gun power means
Vietnam and Philippine have sailed each other since 7th century AD.

1.9- On 985 AD, NgoQuyen
King (985-991 AD) had fought victory to North invaded at BachDang River which flows into Southeast Asian Sea. Vietnam after
five conquered eras of blood soaring by Chinese colonists in multi invaded, but
it’s first time Vietnam had independent on 985 AD (Son Van Nguyen, Viet Su Tan
Bien, New Record of Vietnamese
History, Book 1 p.271-286, DaiNam Publish, USA 1999. Major Nguyen
was chef of Historic Research Department in South Vietnam Army). Unfortunate in
three Nation Era (220-261 AD) Southern Chinese kings cut off ancient NamViet kingdom into two: Northern area
of HopPho / DongHung town was belonging to Quinton Province and Southern area
belongs to GiaoChau Province that
sketch Vietnam map until today.
1.10- DaiViet Dynasty
Ly (1012-1225 AD), despite its
enthusiastic Buddhists, had fought Champa
kingdom in South and Chinese Tung
Dynasty (950-1270 AD) in North. On 1032 AD, Gen. LyThuongKiet and Gen. TonDan
led both Navy and infantry strike first before Tung authorities who were preparing invades DaiViet. The soldiers and sailors seized Kham & Liem
districts in Quinton Province. After victory occupied, Gen. TonDan wanted to massacre Chinese
residents to minimize their future revenge but a Ly monk as spiritual advice protected them as Buddhism behaviors.
By his forgiveness and vision the monk guided up 3,000 Chinese prisoners to DaiViet by three-month-voyage boats for war ransom. When Tung Dynasty retaliate invaded but
didn’t victory; the monk negotiated to return prisoners for peace. Chinese
requested to annex QuangNguyen gold
mine area and the prisoners. LyThanhTong
King (1031-1049 AD) allowed Chinese prisoners (later so called MinhHuong –the Tching people-) returned
after mandatory tattoo on their arms ’foreigners’ to females’ and ‘surrenders’
to males’. Hilariously, when Mongolia ended Kim
kingdom in North and Tung kingdom in
South China, the prisoners had been returning to their detention plot, NinhBinh province, to avoid much more
brutal new rulers. Changed traditional custom of ground burry, the MinhHuong burnt their relatives’ corpses
to ash then lay them into beautiful jars decoded their homeland’s scenes for repatriation
in future; today some can admire the jars in global museum because some MinhHuong descendent forgotten or
vanished, left uncountable human-ash jars in NinhBinh Province. Hundred years pass, when Tching Emperor the
first or MinhThaiTo (1368-1399 AD)
made revolted successfully, most Chinese descendants repatriated to their
ancestors land. However, avoid turbulent wars, Chinese had took Vietnam as
peaceful haven again; in 14th-20th century, Chinese
migrated and lived crowded harmony with Vietnamese in HaiPhong, PhanThiet, ChoLon/Saigon and so on. In debt to Vietnam,
on 15th century AD, MinhHuong
paid in by transfer their secret Manuel and porcelain technology to local
residents that some BatTrang
villagers produced good porcelain with brown Manuel. They had exported to Japan
or made excellent 16th century tills and Asian architected bricks
for PhatDiem Catholic church, but
sometimes under the present regime the famous church became rice store
Legend retold the forgiveness and vision Ly monk had been re-birth to the 5th Tching Emperor
(1426-1436 AD) remembered his past life, when he met AnNam diplomats, ordered his royal treasure donated gold to rebuild
his 12 former resident pagodas e.g. BichDong
Temple, NinhBinh Province in his past
1.11- On 1225 AD DaiViet chef mandarin TranThuDo murdered abducted king LyHueTong (1212-1224 AD), ill-treated Ly royal families for favored Tran Dynasty (1225-1399 AD). Prince LyLongTuong had attempted to riot but
failed. He and his family members escaped by mixing their boats with Chinese
merchandize ships returned China. He anchored in Nanjing but still be threaten
so his boats sailed Northern to Korea. King Korea was welcome the exiled prince
as they were same culture/writing. Prince LyLongTuong
opened school and built DaiViet
village there. When Mongolia invaded Korea, the Prince was brave and military
skill with his relative, LyQuangBat,
and his two Korean officer-sons had co operated to Korean king’s army fought
back Mongolia invaders two-time victory. Local residents named him as White
Horse General remembering in his biography stele House. They saw the prince
often climbed to his Watching Home Land Towel sadly seeing Southern.
Unfortunately, the area now locates on North Korean. Gossip told the first
South Korea President LyThuaVan
(1948-1956 AD) was Prince LyLongTuong’s
successor, too.

Left: Biography stele House for Prince LyLongTuong,
North Korea
Right: VongQuocDan -Motherland Watching Towel- locates on QuangDai Mountain North Korea.
Source: Kang Moo Hak, Prince LyLongThan novel, Korea, 1980
1.12-On 13th century AD Gen. TranHungDao who was only global general defeated Mongolia three
times that one Vietnamese recognized by UNESCO. Despite Mongolia invented first
worldwide canons, armor chain chevaliers and huge three-deck cargo ships, It
looked like Mongolia had improved its navy in order to attack Japan and Vietnam
that on 1284 AD Mongolia Navy sailed to Central Vietnam invaded both DaiViet in North and Champa kingdom in South. Although
Mongolia conquers failed but they could launch Marco Polo return-home voyage.
Global persons remembered Marco Polo and his father, uncle from Venice, Italy
traveled to China for 17 years in Mongolia Court of King Koubila Khan (1249-1264 AD); then Marco Polo accompanied the
Mongolia princess to Persia for marriage promised. Had big cargo ships but poor
naval skill, the Mongolian 600-marriage-followers had only 18 survival persons
landed in Persia: however, the prince was death; so, Marco Polo took time to
arranged marriage the princess with another Persia prince. Chinese sailors
remembered this tragedy voyage in poem:
“Sail on Upper Sea, we had scared ThaiChau –It counted the Archipelago had seven islands-
Sail to Lower Sea; we’d up sad by ConLuan –Spartley-
Compass pointed wrong, steer’s worm out.
Oh, ships wreck, men lost, all vanish in waves”.
Maybe their ships sunk on Paracel or Spartley but no
skeletons remain because a lot of sharks there. However, Marco Polo, his father
and uncle was rarely travelers who both walked on Silk Road and sailed back on Spicy
Road. Definitely, they had crossed
Southeast Asian Sea to Indian Ocean before returned their hometown Venice in
Italy. Were Marco Polo and his family
members’ Chinese ancestor? We also noticed the Chinese sailors then recorded
Paracel Archipelago had ThatChau or
seven islands only. They also didn’t name the sea as South China Sea although
Emperor Quinn the First named Quinton province as South Sea on 2rd century BC.

Gio dua canh truc la da . Bamboo
leaves slowly wave by winds blow.
Tieng chuong Tran Quoc
, TranQuoc
temple’s drums echo in my mind,
Canh ga Tho Xuong. ThoXuong
(a) rosters cocking marked time.
Mit mu khoi toa nhu
suong. Cloudy steam spread over
likely fog in (b).
Tieng chay Yen Thai, YenThai hammers made faraway sounds (c),
Mat guong Tay Ho… Mirror
(d) reminded me TayHo Lake’s surface
suburban village but canh ga is not
chicken soup – means wake up in sleeping-
b- Early morning smog from ThangLong lakes – means where’s my home?-
c– YenThai
villagers grinned soft wood for paper made –means got into King’s hands-
d- A mirror in bedroom
reminds playing on the lake -halogen dream with beloved one-
King NhanTong’s vision was quite correct
about blood conflicts that Champa retaliate attacked DaiViet includes invaded ThangLong
Capital. Because of after several-year marriage, Champa King accidently died;
due to Hinduism, the Princess then Queen HuyenTran
must be martyr burnt together her husband-king. Her brother-king TranAnhTon (1295-1312 AD) commended her
boyfriend Prince TranKhacChung sailed
to Champa risky rescue her. KhacChung sailed white-sail boat to
sympathize Champa funeral but he managed escaping by brown-sail boat into
Southern archipelagoes in opposite side avoid Champa mighty Navy did blockage
and chasse. The couple made fugitive in the archipelagoes three years before returned
to ThangLong Capital. They absolutely
first Vietnamese landed and lived on the archipelagoes from 1297 AD to 1300 AD.
However, when they returned with Princess HuyenTran
alive, Champa King then, CheBongNga
or Varvavayga III considered KhacChung & HuyenTran violated
&broke their Hinduism rule, led Mongolia/Champa Navy retaliate attacked DaiViet; some their Mongolia inherited
double-deck ships big enough to carry dozen horses sailed to invade DaiViet up to ThangLong Capital –HaNoi
today- many times. Similar with Mongolia three-times conquer, the Champa and
its allied rose galloping horses into the capital’s roads, scared local
residents left the capital deserved. (Champa society like India divided into
four Classes: Chiem family name as farmer
Class, Ma or Mai family name as business Class, Tra family name as priest Class, and Che family name as King Class. These family names still remain in
Vietnam today but social functions and roles are buzzed). Unfortunately, on the
battle ship invade King BongNgaChe
unnoticeable ate beef meal when his Mongolia cook as instinct slough a cow for
the king’s dinner. Being reprimanded to kill, the cook escaped to DaiViet, pointed Champa King’s ship to
Admiral TranKhacChan; so all DaiViet battle boats concentrated their
canons shots to Champa King’s ship caused King BongNgaChe died. Champa retreated and never invaded DaiViet again. Almost Vietnamese forgot
either KhacChung/ HuyenTran escaping
voyage in the archipelagoes or the ending threats of Champa Kingdom since then.
This trio-loved story had retold generation to generation;
so, on 1697 AD, Kampuchean King Shihanood
the first died, local residents includes his hybrid young prince immediately
cremated alive Vietnamese Princess NgocVan
with her husband-king, buried in Saicon
–HCM City today-.
1.14- On 1403 AD, inherited over 300 huge Mongolia ships,
Tching the third or MinhThanhTo
Emperor (1403-1425 AD) commanded ChengHo,
who was Central Asian minority, worked as anode officer or unfertilized man served
inside Tching Forbidden Citadel, launched biggest history expenditures sailed global circle navigation seven times
to find his nephew, Tching the second Emperor or MinhHueDe (1399-1403 AD) who couldn’t tolerate his uncle’s lethal
threats, had unnoticeable exiled. ChengHo
multi-thousand-sailor fleet with first time seeing canons mounted on ships
‘tips, scared off seashore kingdoms’ leaders, who had no resist when ChengHo establish Chinese communities
along his voyages that later they turned out their newcomer settlements into
Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Louisiana of USA (In Katrina storm, some
local Philippines who might be ChengHo
sailors’ descendants, as instinct, tied their bodies with cut off electric
poles), Guyana in South America, mystery stone statues along seashore in Page
Island at Pacific Ocean and much more. His fleet had left two big ships remain:
one sunk on Australia coral reef, and another sunk into Red Sea. Islamic
literature recorded his adventures in ‘Seven voyages of Prince ShinBa’ novel. Indeed, ChengHo like Pissarro of Spanish
Conquistadors was likely pirate-voyages. ChengHo
robbed Colombo Island’s jewelries after killed its king. Despite he didn’t find
MinhHueDe Emperor but he brought back
Nanjing and Beijing so much treasures: gold, silver, foreign jewelries,
ivories, Caucasus & Africa slaves and exotic animals like giraffe, lions,
gorillas etc. All animals were extinct in their… stomachs like today they do
(please, visit wild animal market in Beijing suburban that tourist to India we
can see wild animals but tourist to China, except in zoo, we only see …people),
only small Madagascan monkeys’ survival for page-turn-around pets. Truthfully, ChengHo benchmark was brought sesame
from India and corn from Mexico to China. He wasn’t only help Chinese out of
famine but also increase its population to global biggest nation today
indirectly. (China had strictly inhibited rule not export corn and sesame then;
so, two AnNam diplomats on 1597 AD, PhungKhacKhoan and NguyenNhamThiem had hide the golden-like seeds in …their anus to
pass Chinese customs officers in NamQuan
Port; although the crops plan widely but they never show on worship altars in
Vietnam). Rumors also said Christopher
Columbus and Magellan started their voyages around fifty years later by one of ChengHo’s Indian skipper’s relatives who
handled them his naval maps includes South America trait between two oceans now
named it as Magellan Trait. In ChengHo or
TrinhHoa rarely broadcast report claimed killing a dragon -maybe last
dinosaur? - In south most tip of second continental -America-. Definitely, ChengHo and his fleet sailed over
Southeast Asian Sea many times but they never land or establish Chinese
communities on the archipelagoes because it’s too tiny compare with his global
discovery, but the Vietnam ownership on Southeast Asian Sea, had declared
several times by Vietnam, Netherland, French and 1948 San Francisco Nation
League conference. However, today
Chinese Communist had claimed fake ownership then built both living
constructions and military bases (two major air ports, several naval bases)
seven plus artificial islands and so on to protect its fraud ownership for oil,
fishing, taxes or maybe nuclear test island like Bikini one; but indeed fear
lose power, President Xi wants to solid his power by making war threats like
President Deng did on 1979 Vietnam-China Border War.
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